People who are new to CrossFit complete four, one-on-one 60-minute Prep Course sessions with one of our experienced coaches. These sessions introduce new athletes to the basic movements of CrossFit including:
- Squat (back, overhead, and front)
- Deadlift
- Hang power clean
- Hang power snatch
- Presses
- Bodyweight movements
- Basic Gymnastics
The emphasis of these sessions are technique and introducing the intense (but fun) nature of the CrossFit methodology. These one-on-one sessions will allow you to integrate EASILY and SAFELY into our regular CrossFit classes. The sessions are scheduled at a time convenient to you.
Once you've completed this prep course you can choose to join in with our regular CrossFit classes or continue with personal one-to-one coaching.
Limit: 4 Sessions
Services: Activate Prep Course
Providers: Brian Foley, Jacinta Buckley, Kayleigh Cronin, Roisin Foley, Tara Tangney, Tommy Flaherty, Ty Keating
Locations: Activate